About this Program

The Invasive Species Council of California (ISCC) has tasked its advisory committee with developing a list of invasive species that threaten the state. The committee has generated a list of over 1,700 species, and has drafted scorecards for 250+ of the most important species. The list will support outreach and strategic planning; it is not regulatory.

This website is designed to solicit expert comment on the list and scorecards. Expert review is essential to making the list and scorecards accurate. We encourage you to send us a comment on taxa within your area of expertise, and if you are interested, you can become a regular contributor.  Please invite your colleagues to do the same. You can review our list of species to see if we left anything out, and review scorecards for individual species to see how they were rated.


This site was developed by Dave Waetjen, originally in 2010 and migrated to SiteFarm in 2022.

Homepage photo by Jack Kelly Clark, UC Statewide IPM Program

Program Sponsors

These agencies, departments, and organizations have provided significant support to this program over the years.

California Invasive Species Advisory Committee (CISAC)

The California Invasive Species Advisory Committee (CISAC) put together the initial list of 1700+ species and worked with various stakeholders to design the scorecards. 

The CISAC was created by the ISCC on April 8, 2009, to advise the council and develop recommendations. The CISAC will provide its advice based upon input from and cooperation with other stakeholders and existing organizations addressing invasive species issues.

California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is one of the primary financial sponsors of this program.

California Invasive Plant Coucil (Cal-IPC)

Information Center for the Environment (ICE)

The Information Center for the Environment (ICE),  under the leadership of Professor Emeritus Jim Quinn, developed the first version of this tool back in 2010.  ICE hosted the tool from 2010 to about 2017, when it needed to be taken down (for several reasons).  A "static" (non-database enabled) version of the old site can still be seen at cal-invasives.net.

ICE was an environmental information brokerage and research laboratory in the Department of Environmental Science & Policy at the University of California, Davis. ICE specialized in the development and dissemination of geospatial data and technologies; the development of robust data architectures dedicated to the cataloging of global environmental information; and the creation of decision support systems geared toward improving the capabilities of resource managers in a variety of sectors.

Plant Pathology, UC Davis

The department of Plant Pathology is sponsoring this website to be hosted on SiteFarm, at UC Davis.

The mission of the UC Davis Plant Pathology department is to improve plant health in the agricultural and natural landscape, so as to ensure long term food security and continuation of natural resource availability at the local, national and global scale. 

SiteFarm, UC Davis

This website is running on SiteFarm.

UC Statewide IPM Program

The UC Statewide IPM Program provides administrative and management services for this program.

The University of California Statewide IPM Program (UC IPM) helps residents, growers, land managers, community leaders, and other professional pest managers prevent and solve pest problems with the least unintended impacts on people and their surroundings.

UC IPM is a part of the UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR).