Melagris gallopavo Scorecard

Species:  Melagris gallopavo

Common Name:  Wild turkey

Scorecard created on
Last Updated on


Impact Total:14 / 35Impact = ( Spread + Damage - Benefit )

Ability to Respond Total:10 / 25Ability to Respond = ( Ease of Response + Tools in Place )


Confidence Notes:


Spread RateHens lay 9-12 eggs which hatch in early spring (Pelham 1992). Double clutching is not uncommon in cases of nest predation or loss.3
Spread AmountWild turkeys were first released in 1877 on Santa Cruz Island and later in 1908 in the San Bernardino Mountains by the CA Fish and Game. After the invention of the cannon net, from 1959 to 1999 turkeys were reintroduced in >200 locations in CA. 3
EcologicalWild turkeys have been identified as a potential spreader of Sudden Oak Death and due to their broad diets, they surely contribute to incidental consumption of sensitive native species of flora and fauna. 3
AgriculturalIn California, wild turkeys have been observed depredating pastures, vineyards, and other agricultural crops.3
InfrastructureTurkeys are unlikely to do major damage to infrastructure, but often cause aesthetic problems such as stains left from turkey feces or cause damage to shiny objects like cars and windows where males can see their reflection and attack the object. 1
CulturalEspecially in urban centers, the presence of turkeys can be infuriating by those who do not want them around. They are very difficult to control their disturbance to landscaping. As urban and suburban turkey populations have grown, so have human conflicts.3
HealthMale turkeys can be aggressive during the breeding season, occasionally charging humans. An aggressive tom may charge at the person, chase them, or even attempt to attack by flapping its wings, pecking, or spurring.1
CulturalA common and popular game animal among the hunting community and a great gateway hunting experience for beginning hunters. 3

Ability to Respond

Ease of ResponseNotesScore
DetectionLarge, well-known birds birds that are quite vocal, especially in the spring. Turkey scratch sites can be seen for weeks, and their droppings can persist for month without precipitation. 4
ControlWild turkeys in California are defined as Resident Upland Game Birds. As such they are protected and managed through laws and regulations established by the California Fish and Game Commission; Title 14 of the California Fish and Game Code. There are established hunting seasons and bag limits on the taking of wild turkey.2
Tools in PlaceNotesScore
EntryTurkeys have spread, and continue to spread, to most of the suitable habitat in the state over the last 20 years following the end of introduction efforts. Not all of California is suitable turkey habitat, but most is and as such, now hosts Wild turkeys. 1
ControlSince eradication of turkeys is not practical in most cases, a sweet of tools including lethal and non-lethal tactics are recommended to control turkeys. Lethal control must abide by CDFW law, but nonlethal hazing and exclusionary fencing can work well. 2
OutreachWild turkeys are very well known animals in the U.S. What is not well known in urban landscapes is that it is legal to harass turkeys as long as they are not physically harmed, and harassment can be a good way to limit damage to your property. 1