Myxobolus (Lentospora) cerebralis Scorecard

Common Name:  Protozoic Whirling disease

Scorecard created on
Last Updated on


Impact Total:15 / 35Impact = ( Spread + Damage - Benefit )

Ability to Respond Total:16 / 25Ability to Respond = ( Ease of Response + Tools in Place )


Confidence Notes:


Spread RateThe impact on infected fish has been greatest in Colorado and Montana and least in California, Michigan, and New York2
Spread AmountProven to be able to survive in most of the climates native to California, yet it has not promulgated in the warmer climates at the same rate that it has in colder ones.3
EcologicalCauses significant disruption to local salmonid communities.3
AgriculturalDoes not seem to hurt agricultural output, unless of course if aquaculture of salmonid species is in question, and then the impact score could be a "3-4"3
CulturalThis taxon can decimate the local salmonid population and consequently decimate the recreational and commercial fishing of these species. There is also Native American impact.4
HealthThe parasite is not transmissible to humans.0

Ability to Respond

Ease of ResponseNotesScore
DetectionIt is fairly easy to detect whirling disease as it causes noticeable deformities to a fish's spine, causing them to swim in inconsistent, sporadic, circular paths4
ControlSurvives passage through the digestive system of piscivorous fish and birds, and tolerate freezing and thawing, it is not possible to eradicate the disease. However, there are a number of measures that can control its spread.1
Tools in PlaceNotesScore
EntryAt least 1 occasion where a fish infected with whirling disease has entered California from another state. It seems that California does a good job at monitoring trout plantings, which is the most common cause of the spread of the disease4
ControlAs of 2005, there was a suspension of fish stocking until whirling disease was better understood. It seems that California takes control measures very seriously.4
OutreachSome outreach is available, but it seems to be directed more at researchers and those taking part in fish stocking activities than it does towards the public.3